Team OIS was delighted to be able to travel to the beautiful Danish capital city of Copenhagen and attend ESTRO 2022 earlier this month. After two years of adapting to virtual communication methods throughout the pandemic, it was fantastic to participate in an in-person event and, of course, a privilege to be present at this year’s European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology Congress.

We had solutions on display at several stands at the congress alongside many of our partners, including OPASCA, a technology pioneer and market leader in digitalisation solutions. With a full patient workflow suite on display, this booth generated considerable interest, and it was a delight to discuss our Safety & Workflow Optimisation products with attendees.

Located at Booth 310, we joined one of our long-standing partners, Qfix. The new Qfix AirDrive Caddie™ and AirShuttle™ devices were being demonstrated here, enabling attendees to see just how smooth and effortless patient transfers can be. The Alta™ and ZiFix Traverse™ that we offer also generated a large amount of interest, demonstrating patient positioning products that successfully meet clinical setup needs and result in better patient outcomes.

We were delighted to join ScandiDos at their booth during ESTRO 2022, who took the opportunity to reveal their newly launched product, Delta4 Insight. The newest member of the Delta4 family, Delta4 Insight, is a fully integrated Monte Carlo-based secondary dose calculation software that ensures that the dose you’ve planned for your patient is correct in all clinical situations.
The Delta4 Insight uses a proprietary Monte-Carlo algorithm to ensure complete independence from the TPS calculation. Delta4 Insight also gives you the option of evaluating treatment plans according to specific objectives, providing confidence that both the plan quality and accuracy are up to standard.

Standard Imaging
Delivering precise QA products that help lead to better patient outcomes, Standard Imaging are another of our valuable partners that we had the pleasure of joining in the ESTRO exhibition hall. We received a lot of interest in StructSure AI QA Software, the first QA software designed to quantitatively assess auto segmentation contouring engines. StructSure™ is a fast, intuitive application that allows users to objectively compare anatomical contours – generated by algorithms or humans – to a library of standards.

Last but by no means least, we joined another of our partners, LAP, to present how bore-type linacs can be commissioned with THALES 3D water phantom. Specifically designed to meet the stringent requirements of MR linac technology, we enjoyed collaborating with the LAP team to discuss this valuable technology in person.

Here’s to ESTRO 2023!
Following the success of ESTRO this year, we’re already looking forward to returning to the congress in May 2023, in the wonderful location of Vienna, Austria. We hope to see you there!